CEO of a company
CEO of Performance
SolutionsMN Inc.
Number of People Evaluated for Talent
"In many ways, in facing death I became MORE ALIVE."
-Robb Hiller
I truly believe we all have a purpose. Most of us never discover how exciting our work can and will be until we grab hold of our "natural God given gifts and take action." I believe you can be better even if you are at the top of ladder. In fact, there are many cases where leaders with a “title” have reached a place in their journey where they really can benefit from another look at their many gifts.
Putting the "right talent in the right job" is the first step in achieving great success.
Knowing your talent and being a "natural" is one of the next keys...Be like Bentley (my British Lab)
You really do need the "why" of your company. This is sometimes referred to as the vision of the company and is like "oxygen" for the soul.
Successful teams and organizational development comes from a belief that together we can have incredible success with an "abundance mentality." It isn't necessary to degrade others, just become the "best" and love the customer.
I believe every person/company I end up working with is a "Gift" and I treat this honor as a I would my "best friend." I am all in! This means thinking of how to help beyond the 8-5 day, phone calls at 8 PM if needed and giving honest feedback with solutions that work.